Holiday update

Dec 26, 2005 00:13

First, Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas, to those of you that celebrated it today.
I just read a couple posts about how people in retail/customer service jobs had to use different greetings, and how some people get upset about it. In that vein, today is technically Christmas, so I guess "Merry Christmas" works for today. But how "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons' Greetings" excludes anything is just a mystery to me. I try not to really annoy anyone that doesn't deserve it, I mean I can't go around doing that for free, but damn it, quit being fucking assholes about it, not everyone believes the same things you do, get over it, move on, we'll all be a bit happier.
Alright, enough of that ranting, on to more interesting topics. As far as my holiday celebration with my parents went, I got up, had french toast, hunted for cash my mother hid, took a nap, got up for dinner. We had ham, asperagus and potatoes, it was really good. Then I took another nap, I didn't sleep last night, and I just got up to check email, check LJ, and make a holiday post. So, here I am, and that was my holiday.
I seem to have missed seeing softlydarkness Saturday, but I'm hoping to get a hold of her tomorrow to at least say hi. We'll see if I can straighten out my New Year's Eve plans, and maybe even find something to do with the rest of this week.
On the laptop front, I still can't get my gimpy integrated sound card to work right, I think I need to snag the driver from the install cd. I haven't bothered to mess with the wireless stuff again, yet, and it now seems that my battery doesn't work. Loads of fun, I'll have to mess with it later.
I have more crap to talk about, but it needs to go behind one of those privacy curtains, so if you don't get it, and for some reason wanted to know more about my crazy life, you should look into actually talking to me about getting on the guest list.
That's it for this episode, tune in to our exclusive channel for more news in just a few minutes. Thanks for tuning in and have a happy holiday season.
Penguin Pirate Edit: I was looking for a new, holiday icon, but I didn't find one. Laziness has taken over, and forced me to got eat munchies. I might make one later, maybe.

gwinn, life

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