Dj Doubting Tom: you haven't talked to dan carr in recent times have you?
AnEleatic: nah
AnEleatic: why do you ask?
Dj Doubting Tom: just curious, need to talk to him
AnEleatic: oh
AnEleatic: did you try yelling outside on the top of your lungs?
Dj Doubting Tom: yeah, but a bird just crapped on my shoulder.
AnEleatic: to you
AnEleatic: stinko man
Dj Doubting Tom: ahah
Dj Doubting Tom: so have you written anything lately?
AnEleatic: a little thing the other day
AnEleatic: called Wowok
AnEleatic: thats not the real title...thats just what I save the file as
AnEleatic: :-)
AnEleatic: how about you?
Dj Doubting Tom: ahh yes, i haven't been able to muster the guster to feel the wheel of steel turning my ink to moist application.
AnEleatic: I can't write with ink...word processing is the only way I roll
Dj Doubting Tom: hmm, i am able to be stable with either, either i go crazy, if that is i am unable to . . . label my spirit's will.
Dj Doubting Tom: It's hard to articulate myself lately yo, I dunno how to even properly say it, I find my words meaningless, I feel I lack, greatly something. I need to find it..
AnEleatic: (is that part of your flow...or are you talking now?)
Dj Doubting Tom: that was seperate from my lil' flowage.
Dj Doubting Tom: that is just how i feel to my writing
AnEleatic: I went through something not too disimilar
AnEleatic: A fruitless search really...but I just stopped looking one day...and it found me
Dj Doubting Tom: and what did the end of the search reveal? or the giving up of the search even?
Dj Doubting Tom: yo i dunno, this is the last thing i wrote
Dj Doubting Tom: i dunno if i showed you
Dj Doubting Tom: I put the thought of you away,
simply saved it for another day.
It's quite cliche . . .
but it's coo' that way,
And so now I sit astray.
Pressed on path, O' broken path-
Where hath time gone?
I watch it stroll right past,
can't make it last . . .
And you flutter atop the tips of my
Tender Timeless
like a most amazing monarch;
stretched further and flying
to the willows of wispy rememberance.
Dj Doubting Tom: i am quite apathetic towards every single word of that poem
Dj Doubting Tom: heh
AnEleatic: what I found was that...coherance and art is a marriage that doesn't need to be articulate to say what you want to say is proof that one trying to say something...not doing...not acting true to the natural will of an artists artistry...while I'm not saying that it necessarily means that one is forcing does mean that you aren't making art at all..only an outline of what you are capable of...that's what I realized...I don't know if it's entirely applicable to everyone...but it worked for me
AnEleatic: (what do you mean?)
AnEleatic: (apathy to the words?)
Dj Doubting Tom: yes
Dj Doubting Tom: towards the words
Dj Doubting Tom: subconcious truth reveals battered will.
Dj Doubting Tom: and i hold still the candle falling
Dj Doubting Tom: with my eyes i see the drawing
Dj Doubting Tom: of a one line disaster
Dj Doubting Tom: scratch that
AnEleatic: do you really believe that subconcious truth reveals battered will?
Dj Doubting Tom: yes
Dj Doubting Tom: for me at least
AnEleatic: alright
AnEleatic: It's crazy the cirlcles...the paths that an artist takes..they are so similar
AnEleatic: I felt just like that...not but 3 weeks ago
AnEleatic: heh
Dj Doubting Tom: that exact way?
AnEleatic: I felt as if my aestral self was a victim of a war I started and lost
AnEleatic: a spiritual war
Dj Doubting Tom: holy shit raf, that is amazing
AnEleatic: thanks
AnEleatic: I do see a parallel there though...between our two very different...yet eerily similar struggles
AnEleatic: two tangent circles...whirling in the void of this thing our elders dubbed the "human experience"
AnEleatic: no particular path...but we follow a map that is detailed beyond all comprehension
AnEleatic: drifting deeper..beyond...ourselves
AnEleatic: (and scene)
AnEleatic: ;-)
Dj Doubting Tom: the evolution of institution grasps the way of an ever coming era, only imagined by the ways of today
Dj Doubting Tom: mm
Dj Doubting Tom: there could be a clearer written word for that
AnEleatic: which word is that?
Dj Doubting Tom: i'd rather not use 'way' twice
AnEleatic: what about habits
AnEleatic: for the second one
AnEleatic: or routines
AnEleatic: morals
Dj Doubting Tom: the evolution of institution grasps the way of an ever coming era, only imagined by the 7 of today
Dj Doubting Tom: that is not a finished line
Dj Doubting Tom: yes
Dj Doubting Tom: but you almost finished it
AnEleatic: did you want to read my recent poem?
Dj Doubting Tom: yes
AnEleatic: its a work in progress but...nevermind
AnEleatic: here
AnEleatic: A useless youthfulness that extends across ancient boundaries is an unset sun that I cherish instantly and incessantly
I question if whether I'm enjoying the presence of a present I found in a house that was condemned or perhaps just admiring the moments of the unprecedented present
The mildew of my being begins to make a stench that I pride in claiming, the sort of smell only barely perceivable, yet lingeringly potent enough to say that a water spawned fungus was afoot.
It goes ignored and repressed by the shear power of a denial shower
An experience that became a memory I forgot to remember
Finding residence in the loneliest crevices of my cerebral cortex until it absorbs the knowledge to form words and shout a message to me in the voice of Cassandra at a time that is infinitely indefinite
Daily pieces of silicon are found and assimilated into my ears to better ready my nerves and stomach for when I receive the call I live for
The moment when all the things I cherish fall behind the jagged horizon at a dusk that won't end
I pray for silence in a tongue that I don't know
While holding onto the symbol of a religion I struggle to understand
I give up on hope