How To Write Articles For Article Marketing

Nov 19, 2011 13:06

You already know that article marketing is one of the most popular ways to get people to visit your sites and buy your products. If you've spent a good amount of time in IM, then you already know how powerful good articles can be in online marketing. Of course, knowing this and actually producing the articles are two entirely different things. Creating solid, good articles isn't necessarily an easy thing to do. Untold number of IM marketers will tell you they hate trying to write articles. However, it just takes some good and proven advice before you can have a leg-up on the others and be kicking-out great articles. Ok, let's now talk about these tested and proven methods that can have you writing great articles.

Always avoid writing your articles as if they were regular essays. The basic structure of an essay is "tell them what you are going to say, say it and then tell them what you said." The structure for an article is much different, it's more what's called the "reverse pyramid." Usually, in an essay the information that is not important is placed in the middle part. For an article, you'll usually find the least important information toward the end, just prior to the conclusion. What this does is it presents the most important content right after the introduction, so if the reader doesn't read all of it they'll still get the most important. Always write with ethics, do not copy (plagiarize) anyone else's writing. There are ethical reasons, of course, but there are also legal concerns as well as concerns for your online reputation. It is bad for your business if you ever get caught and in today's market, getting caught is not a matter of "if" it is a matter of "when." No question about the legal issues, you'll get in trouble most likely, but you really don't want to look like that in front of your market, online. Just set aside any concerns you have about the time it takes to produce unique articles.

Write simply. Articles are more formal than blog posts, but they should not be highly formal writing because you'll alienate too many readers. Try to write with a simple style and in an easily understood choice of words. However, you probably don't want to dumb it down too much, or else people may wonder about you. All articles address a particular audience, so be sure you use the language your audience expects to hear. You can still do that without too much formality. The danger is no one will completely read your articles, and that's not what you want.

Avoid using long paragraphs in your web copy and articles. In English class you were taught to take each major idea and fully develop it in a paragraph. This is a rule that you need to learn to break. Internet audiences are restless, have short attention spans, and they want to read quickly. Breaking up your lengthy paragraphs into shorter paragraphs is a good way to do this. You should also include line breaks between your paragraphs. Online readers always skim and scan, and indenting only makes that harder to do. Shorter paragraphs are easier to look at and, believe it or not, easier for an internet audience to read and digest. You'll help your business if you take the time to learn how to write a good article. You'll find that possessing this basic skill will be advantageous in other areas, too. You'll find it will improve your communications in any other area. Naturally it takes time to improve at writing, but it's absolutely a great investment. This is nothing difficult to learn how to do, but you'll need to put effort, time, and dedication into it.

Article writing really is worth learning by all business people. You can easily learn how to make your case, and then compel readers to click through. When you're making some sales, if you find you don't really care for it you can outsource it. But before you get to that point, learning how to write articles that get the job done will be necessary for you to do. But don't stress out too much about it. In no time you'll be kicking-out great articles.

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