Amelia had a lot on her mind. Her husband, Olean, was due to give birth any minute. Would she love this alien baby? It seemed that pottery was an easy escape since Olean couldn't tell her to stop producing what was helping with the family income.
The next morning Olean went into labor while making pancakes. Amelia had just taken Jeremy out of his crib and rushed over.
Jack Spice was born shortly after, and nothing about him appeared human other than his skin tone and eye color.
With his parents a little uneasy with his appearance, Jack spent most of his time in his bouncy chair.
He didn't seem to mind, since he was able to watch his parents play with strange figurines for hours on end.
Soon enough, it was time for Jeremy's birthday.
Being a big kid excited Jeremy and he was anxious to join the other kids in school.
Of course sharing a room with a creepy baby made for little sleep.
With Olean and Jeremy being out of the house, the parenting role once again went to Amelia. She soon grew to love the strange baby and couldn't stop snuggling him. She even brought him to the pottery shop while she sold her work.
Unfortunately the place started getting a bit crammed with her business now ranking in at a 5, so they built a building out back.
It was only slightly larger than the previous shop, but it was more than enough space to sell & make more pottery.
As for the old shop... became Jeremy's very own room.
After being promoted, Olean brought his brother, Oliver home from work to celebrate Jack's birthday.
He was still a very odd looking toddler, but his family no longer noticed.
His curiosity and adoration for life had captured their hearts.
And as far as he knew, Jack was going to grow up to be just like his big brother, Jeremy.