May 26, 2012 20:45
It's been a tense night and day around here, no mistake. So far, the custom hasn't suffered, though like I said last night, it's quite subdued in our little garden compared to out on the streets.
I'm just grabbing a minute or two while Ellie's out in the yard. It's become quite difficult, actually, to stop her trying to keep 'Sinbad' with her at all times.
The good news is that she's been talking to him, when we're alone. Mostly narrating what she's doing but occasionally there's an opinion about Mr or Mrs Ponds thrown in.
Dora, you'll be happy to know that she thinks you walk on water.
Today she's been pretty worried about all this DogStar business. I don't think she knew anyone in the network, from what I've overheard, but she's concerned (as are we all) with what the Ministry will do to find out how many in the company are left, the ones that managed to get away. She seems to be afraid that the few who remain will also do something desperate in their last throes of existence.
Personally, I think it's more likely they'll regroup and start over - although, that said, the papers claimed both that their titular head (my 'lover,' apparently, Remus and I had a good laugh over that one) and their primary recruiter had both been captured.
We've still not seen Beth, either. I suspect she's laying low for now. If she's not in by a week's time, we'll worry.
Oh, and the neighbourhood watch stopped in this evening, again, trying to round up volunteers to brandish their wands along the streets to the west, where 'that element' live. Lucky for us it looks to be a busy night again, so Remus - sorry, Junius - was able to say in all honesty that he thought he'd need to stay behind to give Dora and 'the help' a hand with the crowd, but that they'd be welcome to stop in for a drink afterward. That seemed to placate them.
Remus, I think next time they come calling, busy or not, you'd better go out with them. Or send Dora, depending. I didn't like the way that second bloke looked at you when your back was turned.
Oh, Alice, Frank, before I forget: We can't afford to miss our rendezvous with Aleks this year. I owled him just before Ellie came and sent him the usual requests. Who's going from your end?
daily prophet,
laszlo's of london,