I write you all from the hospital wing of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where a terrible crime against our youth has been committed by the forces of the so-called Protectorate in the name of a now-deceased and discredited tyrant.
We ask your assistance in locating the families of those of our children and staff in distress. We need most urgently to hear from the families of the following:
* Agrippina Aubrey
* Mendingus Bainbridge
* Jenessa Beaker
* Bartemius Beaker
* Eustace Birchmore
* Forsythia Bray
* Belisarius Burbage
* Demarcus Burbage
* Victoria Catchlove
* Owen Cauldwell
* Thaddeus Chadwick
* Stratus Cuthbert
* Giselle Drumgoole
* Francois duMaurier
* Belinda Dunstan
* Stephanus Featherstone
* Arcturus Fellsworthy
* Lucasta Forney
* Eugenia Fribble
* Gavin Hedigan
* Dionysus Inderwick
* Philip Kelpington
* Joan Gordon-Kinley
* Izabella Harkiss
* Tangwystyl Harrington
* Michele Iskanderian
* Katrina Jacobson
* Maribeth MacDougal
* Rebecca Mackrell
* Catherine Marks
* Simon Masterson
* Rebecca Midgewater
* Alaistair Montrose
* Francine Morley
* Whitney Mortynson
* Leo Munroe
* Madeleine Mytens
* Minh Nguyen
* Nicholas Pastepot
* Cadmus Peabody
* Plautus Poddington
* Orla Quirke
* Isabella Rowle
* Rajesh Rupadam
* Maurice Scroops
* Georgiana Stevens
* Effluvia Stevens
* Marlon Strangeweale
* Angelica Symmons
* Hepsibah Tatterson
* Leighton Thomas
* Celia Thompson
* Fianna Tierney
* Quintus Twycross
* Rebecca Vane
* Parnassus Watney
* Alexy Yordanova
* Adelheid Zimmerman
We regret to announce the deaths of certain members of our school community. Please join me in expressing sympathy to and concern for the surviving families and friends of the following children:
* Gareth Archer
* Igraine Archer
* Ed Bones
* Michael Corner
* Andie Haley
* Megan Jones
* Neville Longbottom
* Zach Smith
* Eva Spinx
* Seporah Swangrove
* Serena Swangrove
Likewise, I wish to extend condolences to the surviving families and loved ones of the following recent and former members of staff:
David Brutka, former Care of Magical Creatures and, later, Transfiguration professor
Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster and longtime Transfiguration professor
Severus Snape, one-time Potions professor
Professor Savitha Desai, Defence
Professor Xerxes Glozeman, Potions
It is my duty to care for the wounded here, to comfort those in distress and extremity, and to preserve the dignity of the dying and the dead.
We here at the school urgently wish to hear from any parents seeking information about their children, particularly those families listed above, but including all others needing to be reunited with family members. I regret that the situation here remains rather chaotic in the aftermath of last evening's events.
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