Hello, again!
I really only want to update the cast of Liberation, but this is the quickest way to get a message to all of you.
First up, again, thanks and my apologies for leaving out Dean Thomas (Y3) from the original cast list. As you all learned on Sunday, he's agreed to undertake the role of Mr Dolohov.
Next, I think we've approached everyone we had on our list to act as an understudy. Please remember, if you've agreed to understudy, it's your responsibility to keep track of the blocking (i.e., movement) for that character (as well as your own), and to be working on the lines in case you're needed. We certainly don't want to lose our fine cast members, but we don't want you to be caught out short, either, if you're called to serve. For those of you who have been assigned understudies, we expect you to help them out. It's not a comment on your ability or our confidence in you; it's merely a precaution since your roles are so pivotal that they can't be replaced at a moment's notice.
Which brings me to my next announcement. As I said, we don't want to lose people, but it's bound to happen: a few students have already left the cast. Vesta Chambers, Elizabeth Stevens and Octavia Anderson have all decided to drop out for personal reasons. As there are so few boys already participating, we really wanted to bring up one of the lads from the Wizengamot chorus to play Vesta's part, so I hope you'll all welcome and congratulate Mr Linus Moon, who will now be our Mr Selwyn!
Finally, as I mentioned on Sunday, we really could use a few more wizards in the Wizengamot - especially with Moon moving up. First- through third-year YPL boys, I'm looking at you in particular! I know you've heard the rumours about wearing makeup, but it's not like that at all. All actors wear some to be seen under the lights. There's no truth whatsoever to the idea that men who are theatrical are all, erm, effeminate. Please consider joining this effort and supporting your fellow YPL members in the project!
On a Prefect note: Whoever jinxed Mr Corner yesterday, you're not helping.
This entry was originally posted at
http://alt-penelope.dreamwidth.org/6146.html. Please comment there using OpenID.