(Sarah, I'm not sure if you're still reading for him, I thought I'd include you just in case. I hope you're doing well, given all the madness and upheaval over Christmas. And please do give my best to Mrs Perks, will you?)
How're you getting on, then?
Have you seen Lucius yet?
I asked if I could, but Mr Lupin thought better of it, and he's probably right.
It's such a relief to know he's out of that horrible place. Even if I never get the chance to talk to him again.
There are so many new teachers here, it's sort of mad. I can hardly keep any of them straight, and the Ravenclaws are panicking about their NEWTs (well, we all are to a certain extent, but honestly, there are far more important things to panic about).
Have you ever tried brewing beer before? It's an interesting process. I've had to sweet talk Professor Gimlet into giving me additional hours in the laboratory, but he's used to my messing about with all sorts of random things already for Whizbangs, and it's not the sort of thing that's likely to explode or catch fire, so he didn't put up too much of a fuss.
I think he wants to sample the wares.
Anyways. I do hope you're feeling better.
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