Private Message to Lana Sandoval

Jun 10, 2011 12:56

Dear Lana,

How are you? It seems like it's been ages since we talked. I can't believe the year's almost over! I'm sure that you're very busy; I hope you're enjoying your--what did you call it?--intensive, that was it--your intensive with Mr Lestrange. I bet it's really interesting. He's ever so mysterious, don't you think? I think if he weren't in this sort of trade he'd have made an Unspeakable really easily. He was here last week, you know, when Professor Raz was hurt, and he looked ever so dashing, even though you could see he was well worried. I hope Professor Raz is going to be okay soon.

Anyway, I don't know if you've been following the YPL all that much since leaving school and getting all involved in the Auror training, but this summer, they've organised something called a Combined Cadet Force. And we're to stay and undergo exercises and physical tests to determine our fitness for this particular programme. (Well, mostly all of us. A few people have already been cut.)

Yesterday, Smith challenged everyone to a footrace and a chin-up competition and today there's to be a broom race, which of course Marvolo and Malfoy will win but that's all right. I'm actually rather surprised at my performance in the chin-ups! I knew I'd be okay in the race but not brill, but I did almost as many chin-ups as any other girl, less than ten behind Bundy, who was the winner--of the girls, anyway. (And that's not surprising; she's got the arms for it.)

But I was wondering if you have any advice about other things to do to prepare. All of us in Ravenclaw have already started a bit of a regimen, since we none of us want to be embarrassed in the testing. We're doing sit-ups and push-ups and Su Li has this brill routine she calls kata, so we're doing that and it's like a slow-motion type of defence thing. Her brother does it, she says. But I thought--well, I'm sure there are exercises you do in Aurors' training that will be well close to the kinds of things they're asking us to do next week.

So if you have a few moments and you could think of some suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. On the whole, I think this year's been better than last, with a few big exceptions. Which is odd because with all those Dementors you'd think it'd have been worse more of the time. At least Parkinson and I aren't rowing at every turn, which makes things easier! I'm not sure who they'll get to replace Professor Carrow but it's bound to make next year really interesting.

I've been thinking about going home, too. In a way, I'm glad we're staying the extra week. I'm never sure what we're going to learn when we go back, you know? Like, last time Dad was barely sleeping at the house. He had a flat in New London because he said it was just more convenient. I dunno if he's still spending most of his time there or not. Not sure I want to know, really. But this way, we'll come home and we'll probably only be there for a week or two before we go off on the YPL CCF - well, that is, provided Parvati and I both make it in, of course! I don't want to make any assumptions.

You should know that everyone in the Corner is well and sends their greetings, too. We look through the papers all the time, expecting to see that Lana Sandoval has once again brought glory to MLE and the Protectorate!

Oh, and Dames and Bobolis were saying the other day that they're looking forward to the DoP induction - only Dames hasn't got her invitation yet. I dunno if your mum's involved again this year, with the luncheon? But anyway, I thought it was interesting that Bobolis has hers and Dames doesn't. Wonder if someone at the DoP knows something we don't? Or maybe it's just held up in owl post. That's what Bobolis said, anyway, though I think Dames is getting a bit worried about it!

Well. I'm sure you're well busy helping Mr Lestrange with important work, so I'll close this up.

Take care,


d_o_p, ypl, dames, ravenclaw_corner, mr_lestrange, bobolis, lana_sandoval

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