Apr 09, 2010 09:28
On behalf of Sandoval and myself, I want to thank everyone who contributed to last night's amazing party!
- Avery, Darst and Bobolis for charming the ceilings and the walls (if you didn't get a good look at the walls, they had tiny mirrors on to reflect the ceiling lights and also they helped with the sound)
- MacAvoy, Gamp, Johns and Pyle for running the music all evening - that was such a lot of work and it really made everything so marvellous!
- Laverty, Jenkins and Dougherty for organising the refreshments (and making sure we didn't run out!)
- Fletcher, Dames, Yaxley and Burrow for judging the costume contest and donating the prize
- Professors Vector and Carpenter for letting us use the attic, it's so much nicer than that dungeon (more on that in a bit)
- Everyone who came!
And congratulations again to the winners: Derrick and Avery for their 'Swedish Short Snout' in the team category and Kirke for her stunning representation of 'Queen Maeve'. (I'd like to give personal honourable mentions to Lavender Brown for her colour-changing charm and to Draco Malfoy for keeping us all in stitches all evening!)
That brings me to our apology.
It's come to Sandoval's and my attention this morning that a few people weren't told of the last-minute location change. We're terribly sorry about that. Please believe it wasn't intentional at all - I know I meant to dash something into the journals, but in the setup and all, I just forgot. I'm sure Sandoval could say the same.
I guess that's our lesson: there's always something about hostessing that goes wrong, no matter how much planning one puts in. All I can say is that it certainly wasn't personal and we wish we'd have known that not everyone heard about the change.
I'm not sure when we'll be able to host another party - probably after OWLs and NEWTs are over - but I do hope everyone (and I mean everyone) gets to come!