Private Message to Minister Rowle, Director Mulciber, Ned Pennifold

Apr 29, 2015 09:00

I am writing to you gentlemen to alert you to a situation that occurred last night. Cadmus, your people may have already noticed that my home and that of my mother have both been brought under the protection of the Fidelius.

I do not wish anyone to form misguided ideas about the reasons for this necessary measure. Our loyalty remains unshaken but as you are no doubt aware, my sister has experienced a loss of judgement which I can only describe as dangerously homicidal. In addition to Chief Hopkirk, Bellatrix brutally murdered my mother's longstanding paramour yesterday. Both of them, I am sure, were entirely innocent and without blame in any crime other than Bellatrix's raving delusions.

She threatened me; she threatened my niece, Hydra. Thankfully, Hydra is safe at Hogwarts and, as a Councilwitch, she has resources against her own mother that set her apart, but my mother and I believed that drastic precautions were warranted.

Ned, I intend to write a public statement to this effect very shortly, but I wanted to apprise you three of my action before you read about it along with the rest of the realm. I hope I still remember my courtesies, even under these trying circumstances!

Meanwhile, Cadmus, I urge you to do whatever is necessary to bring Bella back into control of herself. I've never known her so unstable. She insists everything is perfectly fine, but of course it is anything but.

Rest assured, however, I am as always at Our Lord's disposal. He has but to command my presence and I shall be happy to appear before Him, as ever, and offer whatever assistance He may require.

Yours in shared service to Our Lord's glorious realm,

Narcissa C.B. Malfoy
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