Apr 12, 2015 09:00
Fear not, darling, my congratulatory owl has flown to your hostess as is proper. It was a triumphant debut, to be sure.
Forgive me not staying longer. One does one's duty but there's no need to revel in how fossilised one has become. I considered leaving you to your fun altogether, right up until the day. But I wanted to see for myself how you two got on.
I suppose it was inevitable that your head would be turned by someone appropriately vivacious and fresh. She's clearly keen to impress, as well, which is to the good. I'm happy for you.
She's so terribly young, Barty. Are you certain of her so soon? There's something I can't quite put my finger on. You'll say it's jealousy talking but no, when has that ever been a concern? No. It's.... Probably nothing.
It's clear Toshenka approves, at least. If nothing else, I'm glad to see Amishi's jewels getting some exercise.
I'm afraid I simply must stop or you'll have reason to call me a perfect cat - and that's not my intention, dearest. Believe that. She's a lovely girl.
She's still a girl, though, and you'd do well to remember that she can still be wounded terribly if you're not gentle in your attention - whatever she might say or do to indicate she is open to larger possibilities. Or perhaps what troubles me is merely that you might underestimate her ability to wound you. Turned your head might be, but be careful you do not altogether lose it, hm?
Meanwhile, I wish you every happiness.
Always with love,
daphne greengrass,