LUCIUS MALFOY continues working on a consulting basis for the International Confederation of Wizards and other international wizarding political organisations. He reconnects with Ari Baddock, who settles in Luxembourg, and together they successfully rebuild most of their fortunes in more socially-conscious markets. He and Narcissa travel extensively, both for his contracts and for pleasure, though usually if he is going through Cairo, Narcissa takes a side trip and meets him at their next destination.
He also writes books, including histories, international relations, and on various schools of magical theory. Some of these are co-authored with his brother-in-law, Headmaster Froissart of Beauxbatons. He reads texts on, but never again practises, Noble Arts. After Draco and Hermione's first visit, they settle into an awkward but somewhat pleasant tradition of occasional holidays. He and Draco also maintain a correspondence on politics and various other topics, sometimes agreeing, usually not.
He and his sister bury their mother, when the time comes, outside of her longtime home in Paris. After Pansy's son Louis is born, Lucius sends a small gift and gradually begins writing back to her.
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