Private Message to Narcissa

Nov 12, 2013 08:45

Everyone is, for the moment, all right.

Minor injuries to a few of our number - no one seriously harmed - and heavy damage to the camp, its chattel and its surrounding area.

Bella believes she saw Longbottom among the opposition - if that band of traitors is at the head of this mess, it would explain the unanticipated level of organisation among the insurgents. Nonetheless our biggest concern has been keeping the fire from spreading - literally and figuratively - and confining the fight to a manageable radius. (Also suppressing the news but that's an entirely different battle.)

Also combatting an higher than anticipated level of chaos among our own. Confusion and indecision. Infuriating.

Should be finished here by the end of the day, however. Daylight ought to enable us to put things to rest.

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camps, private, narcissa, council, ministry, mle

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