Our Lord seems to believe that His wishes in the matter of Harry's education have been fulfilled. Her failure to appear this morning, coupled with the your account, Toshenka, Razzer's and Draco's, along with Harry's own, have satisfied Him that the maths do not add up - but in this case, they do not add up in just the way He would have it. He is fully prepared to declare the woman dead with no further fuss.
Nonetheless, Cornelius has been vexatiously vocal since Saturday about the need for a thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances of her disappearance. (Naturally this must be accomplished with less meticulousness than he desires, since revealing to the public that a student took matters into his own hands - even when that student is Harry Marvolo - would set a precedent that neither the Board nor the staff would care to endorse.)
Still, he has a point about the process of jurisprudence and, to one degree or another, it would be advantageous were MLE able to undeniably rule the incident closed. Also, племянник, it occurred to me that we ought not refuse an opportunity to explore her office, given that such an examination might reveal information regarding her co-conspirators that shall be useful in discrediting them. To say nothing of the chance to debunk her opprobrious libel toward Razzer.
диктатор, what is your timetable for the week? See no reason to inconvenience ourselves by rushing to meet the Minister's requirement and cannot think the likes of Strangeweale would be able to access her office prior to our doing so. So long as the Floo has been closed up we ought to be able to take our time.
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