Ned, if you please, see if you can coax Barty to eat. There's a lad.
Weasley, go and find Hieronymus Bole as well as Barnabas Cuffe. Cannot be done via Private Message; Floo is fine so long as it does not generate too many inquiries. Require them at MLE headquarters at their earliest convenience, with full lists of the Prophet staff during both their tenures (Yes, aware this will take Hieronymus a while).
Also, last month's inspection tour of Bawsey. There was a witch on the team telling us about the fortifications to the waterfronts in King's Lynn. Blishwick, I think? Well, whatever the name: She had details of the piers and mentioned similar projects using camp personnel in Southampton, Hull and Birkenhead. Should like her to bring the elevations and the list of all labourers assigned to any of the work, particularly anything to do with shoring the foundations or work under-water on pilings and such. As soon as possible, please.
Last: Have copious pages of notes from interrogations beginning around 5:00 AM. See if you can pull them into coherence in time for Court. Shall need Yaxley and Hopkirk to read over before presenting.
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