There is something about spending significant time visiting the infirm that makes even the most stalwart of witches at times a watering pot.
Barty, thank you for seeing Narcissa home last night. As it happened, I was at Windsor rather later than I'd expected - an honour, to be sure, but not one I had anticipated - and arrived back at the Manor to find she had fallen asleep before the elf could serve her supper. Exhausted, no doubt, by the events of the last few days. (And I gathered that Walburga has not been making her visits any easier.)
She went again today, though found no real change in the patient. The St Mungo's staff have spoken to her about keeping him on for 'further evaluation' - though there seems to be little merit to the exercise. His arm, according to Narcissa, needed no change of dressing to-day, and when she spoke to Healer MacCowan, he indicated that Regulus had excellent range of motion and his small motor control ought to be as good as ever in another day or two. One presumes, therefore, that he could continue any physical therapy required by means of regular visits, rather than remaining in care. Suspect someone in the administration hopes to impress Walburga with the institute's dedication to the degree that she may opt to fund an improvement of some kind; equally suspect the office know her not at all well, if this is indeed the justification for lavishing unnecessary attention on her remaining son.
Pansy, I did receive the letter you wrote; however, after hearing Narcissa's report of his condition, and most particularly his frame of mind, we believe it might be best to wait before delivering it. I'm sure he will appreciate what you have to say to him - only, not just now. From what your 'Aunt' tells me, he has quite disengaged himself for the time being; even your jokes would fall on deaf ears at the moment. It is too soon for all that. But I am glad to hear you are tolerating your visits to Madam Pomfrey and not neglecting your school work. I have begun an answer to your owl at least thrice in the past week. Unfortunately, cannot seem to manage two paragraphs without either an interruption of family crisis; or learning that you, Draco, Harry and your good friend Weasley flouted school rules and placed yourselves in mortal peril; or being called away from my quill on state business. I hope that this week, I may be able to respond to you with a proper balance of paternalistic aid and sympathy untaxed by further cause for shock and stern disappointment. For the moment, suffice to say that I am relieved beyond measure that the foolhardiness all of you displayed was rewarded with equally implausible luck.
Spent much of to-day working through the impressive backlog of requests to be reviewed at Muggle-born Labour on Tuesday, now that the camps are fully operational once more. The camps have prepared their final casualty reports, which will be presented to the Committee by a representative from Muggle Domestication.
Must have Crispin co-ordinate a few minutes' time with Selwyn over this UWP business.
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