May 08, 2009 22:23
What is this? It looks like I can put words into and other people can too. Maybe I can send some one a message?
Anyone? Anyone? Is anyone looking at the words I'm making on this thing? HELP!
What is this place? I'm in a place with rows and rows of the things that people lie down on at night, and there's a person, an old person, who says I mustn't leave! Is this the place where they put bad people?
My name is Lavender Brown and I'm ten years old and I live with Mummy and Daddy and my two brothers whose names are....well, there's the tall dark-haired one and he's called...and then the other one...and we live in a house that's well, it's somewhere in England. Yes, I'm almost sure it's in England.
Could someone please get me out of here? And make the old person stop trying to give me things!
I want my Mummy!!!!!