Recap for the week of 11 July, Year 7

Jul 20, 2015 13:41

11 July
Sally-Anne questions Dolohov as to their plans for Ginny. Bill composes his message to Ginny. He then posts it. Sally-Anne sends her a message of encouragement. Rachel relays the information Sally-Anne found out. Hermione provides a rundown of the results of their first day of waking sleeping Muggles. Draco identifies the person he intends to replace as a polyjuiced undercover agent. Fred seeks assistance to develop a new secret lock that only Ginny and her friends and family can see. Rachel concludes from the available evidence that Ginny is being brainwashed using the Cruciatus. Remus wishes he could retreat to an animal form on his own impulse.

12 July
Charlie attempts to reach Ginny. Sally-Anne checks on Ron. Bill tightens the wards protecting the Burrow. Hermione worries about her complicated feelings for and about Draco.

13 July
Draco establishes contact with his proposed mark. Luna shares a drawing with Ginny.

14 July
Ptolemy Baddock inquires whether Ginny is nearly ready to make public statements. Fred assesses Albion's wireless story about Percy.

15 July
Hydra tackles the problem of extracting Rigel from Bellatrix's custody. Bill listens to Ginny's WWN interview. Rachel asks Jason Montague for information on Rigel's supervision. Luna updates Ginny on Adam's growth. Ptolemy congratulates Ginny on her interview performance.

16 July
Justin wonders if Draco's undercover mission could dovetail with his own assignment in New London.

17 July
Jason Montague perceives improvement in his legilimency. Ron maintains a line of communication with Ginny. He also grows quarrelsome with Sally-Anne.

recaps, year seven

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