Title: Life Is The Barrel At The Tip of This Gun
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Author: Ema.
Rating: PG-13 atm.
Summary: Frank finds out the truth! Well...parts.
Disclaimer: This was actually based on my own characters but i got bored and wanted to spice it up a little!
Author's Notes: bwahhaha miss me? Well hello there happy lj fans! XD I am hopefully getting my new laptop next week WHICH MEANS MORE READING AND COMMENTING ON YOUR FICS!! be happy :| anyway heres my update, enjoy <3 p.s - i apologise for not answering comments, my school blocked lj :'( but not fanfiction.net >:|
Last Chapters:
Frank. Gun Point Kidnapped The boy! He is here! His ebony hair waved like the US flag in the dusty wind.
His eyes....oh his eyes! They stared at me in fear! His hand clutches his stomach in pain.
I look down. Blood. Blood pouring out of the wound. Gushing through his fingers onto the floor.
I ran towards him screaming.
"No! You can't die! You can't leave me!"
My sobs were useless. His last breath was gone. Fluttering through my nose. I tasted his breath. Tobacco and Coffee.
The blood.
The stale stench suffocated my lungs. My heart pounded. My breathing deep, shallow. My hands clung to my chest in despertation. I couldn't breathe.
My eyes were searching. Where were they? Why weren't they coming to help?!
Disappointment enclosed me. I screamed. My voice never reaching my ears.
I tried.
My ears strained through the darkness. Hearing out. Listening. Begging to hear anything but the deafening silence...
I shot up.
My forehead soaked in sweat. My breathing shallow like my dream.
My eyes wonder. Where was I?
With your father
I shook my head and stood up. My clothes had been removed. Boxers, not my boxers but lavender boxers held my held at my hips.
What in God's name was going on?
Where the fuck was I?
I yawned. Well I was about to find out.
I put on my clothes which had been folded on the floor and strolled out of the room.
Whoa. This was not right.
Have you ever seen the Godfather? You know those long hall ways? With the paintings and the tables and the vases and the long red rugs? Yeah I was standing in one.
I walk to the end of the corridor. Noone. Deserted. It's like The Reeker and the haunted motel.
Whoa whoa back up there Frank, don't scare yourself.
My feet trembled down the long, marble stair case.
My bare feet patted the stone, echoing, like a nightmare.
I couldn't find anyone...I didn't know anyone! Well except Bob...the big guy...kinda...
I wondered the lower floor. Paintings passed my sight.
Old woman. Old men.
My father!
Anthony Iero Senior.
He looked old in the painting. His eyes had bags pulling his skin down.
Why was my dad on this wall?
I turned to the next painting.
Mable Iero
My fingers traced the brush marks.
Tears surfaced my eyes. My heart broke. I hadn't seen my mom in so long...
How long have I been here?
I heard footsteps.
I didn't take my eyes off my mother's painting.
"Frank, you're father would like to speak to you."
I kissed the painting and walked behind one of my captors.
There had better be a good explanation for them dragging me here.
"Take a seat son."
I sat. My father looked at me from his desk.
"I would like to speak to my son in privet." His hench men nodded and exited the room. I was alone with the man who created me and yet, I didn't feel a part of him in me.
"Frank I kn-"
"What happened to your accent."
He laughed. His voice boomed.
"It was a joke Franklin! I had to have some fun with clichés!"
I frowned. I didn't understand what he was saying.
"I'm a Don Franklin."
I stared at him. Don.
"Don as in 'The Godfather' Don?"
"In a sense...yes."
"As in the Mafia?" "Yes." "As in ordering hits on people who interfere with your plans?" "Yes." "As in-"
His hand raised to silence me.
"I think we've established who I am and what I am. However, we have not come across the reason why I ordered you to be brought to me by my men."
I closed my mouth and let my father speak.
"Obviously you are aware I left when you were a child Franklin. Both me and your mother were in this line of work. I was, and still am the Don of this...'group' and your mother the Dona. You were only a child Franklin..."
His thoughts trailed.
"Our house was raided. You were taken hostage. You know those scars on your back and legs? Well those were...torture marks. They burt you. Cut you. They hurt you Franklin. We got you back of course. You're mother was so relieved! Ever since that day, she quit this...'business'. However, I couldn't. Even though I knew the people who hurt you, my only son were my, what's the word..'enemy'. This was my job. My life, even though I loved you and your mother very much, I had to leave. I couldn't risk your life again. So I left."
"But that doesn't explai-" "I haven't finished."
"Through the years I left, my men have been at your school. Keeping an eye on you. One keep a special eye on you. I am sorry to hear about Kai. You two seemed such a nice couple."
My mouth fell open as he pulled out a photograph of me and Kai.
"Anyway, we got tipped off that you had a hit."
I gulped and pointed to myself.
"Yes you Franklin. So, as soon as we heard, I ordered my men to get you."
"But why the shooting....?"
"I don't know that one Franklin I'm sorry. Their boys, they like a big bang." His chuckled.
I stared at him bewildered.
"You've been spying on me?!"
He didn't reply.
"Through all the years I've been alone?! In pain?! Through all the torture I was receiving at my own fucking school?! You didn't think once to help me?! To comfort me?! To be a FATHER?!"
I stood up. "Well it's too late to be a father. I'm leaving. Goodbye dad."
I walked out of the door.
I took a deep breath as the salty water escaped my eyes.
I began to walk. Through the corridors. Through the doors. Up the stairs. Into the room I slept in the previous night.
I grabbed my shoes. Placing them on my feet I opened the door.
And there he was. My masked angel.