Title: Life Is The Barrel At The Tip of This Gun
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Author: Ema.
Rating: PG-13 atm.
Summary: I'm the boy that's always there but you never see. That boy in your Chemistry class at the right of you. I'm in all your classes. I've watched you for the past 3 years Frank. I know everything about you. More than you know.
Disclaimer: This was actually based on my own characters but i got bored and wanted to spice it up a little!
Author's Notes: Bonjourno! ciao ciao! I was actually going to update this tomorrow but, i have to revise and do homework, and clean, and everything else tomorrow so I'm doing it now! Be happy! - Ema x P.s - after this chapter, maybe a while til i update!
Last Chapters:
Frank. Oh how I wished I could block out the sun.
My head turned towards the deep, husky voice. An angel? His body blocked the sun, causing the beams of light to refract round his muscular, opaque body. He shone. Was I dead?
"Is anyone sitting here?" I stared at him, processing his words.
"W-uh-ye-n-NO! No. No one is sitting here." I wanted to clap at myself. I was such a charmer with words.
"Good because now you can't say anything as I sit next to you."
No. This had to be a prank. It had to be. Noone, I repeat, NOONE sat next to me at lunch. Ever. Was he new? I think I'd seen him before but at a glance. I'm not sure. I thought he was a fragmant of my imagination. He wasn't though. Who was he? Who the hell put him up to this?
"What do you mean 'why'?" A flange added at the end to mimick my high pitched vocal chords.
"Why do you want to sit here? Noone sits here with me. Has Joanne put you up to this?"
"Don't play games me with me asshole! I maybe short but it doesn't mean I can't kick your pale, white, skinny ass! Now tell me who put you up to this!" He raised his eyebrows confused.
"Look, I haven't been 'put up to this' I saw you by yourself and thought you may want some company.."
"Oh.." I felt like a retard.
He swipped my art folder from my hands.
"It isn't your fault they don't see how amazing you are."
"Uh...what?" He glanced at me and flipped through my folder.
"They don't realise those beautiful paintings and angelic photographs around this whole school belong to you. You've never signed them, just placed a miniture heart in the corner of each painting and photograph. Your art is amazing, beautiful, it's so you! And they see nothing." I stared at him wide eyed.
"I know you're Frank Iero. You hate Franklin, you want everyone to call you Frank. Your ex-boyfriend Kai Henry, he let you open up to him, trust him. One night you both have few bottles of wine. He took advantage of you. He dumped you and then showed pictures of you with his cock in his mouth around school. You were a laughing stock. You tried to kill yourself but your next door neighbour found you in the park. You were in the Special Care Unit for 3 months. You came back and noone said a word to you. Kai is now with Joanne and you are all alone."
I wipe my eyes and snatch my folder from his hands. "How do you know all this?! Have you been spying on me? Who are you?!"
He simply smiled and said "I'm the boy that's always there but you never see. That boy in your Chemistry class at the right of you. I'm in all your classes. I've watched you for the past 3 years Frank. I know everything about you. More than you know." I shook my head holding back my whimpers.
"No you don't fucking know me! Nobody does!" I grab my book and walk away from him. Our conversation a distant memory.
How did he know about my paintings? My photographs? How did he know about me and Kai? No one knew we were dating. Were together for a year and noone knew.....Did he spy on me? How...
The bell rang signalling lunch was in fact over and next period was heading over the horizon. Chemistry. Great, he was my Chemistry class.
He wasn't there, at all. Nothing. Not even his coffee, tobacco smell.
Thank fucking satan!
"Franklin" "Here."
"Joanne" "Here."
"Gerard." Silence.
"Mikey." Silence.
"Kai" "Here."
"Robert." Another silence.
"Raymond." Nothing.
I had a choice. One of those four people. It was hard to guess. I understood how the police force felt when it came to which donuts to eat first.
"Good morning class! Today we're goi-"
A loud screach reached my ears. The Spilt Chemical Substance bell had be activated. This block of our school was on lock down. We were trapped like rats.
The main enterance was locked. People were crying, screaming, attempting to get out of windows. No use. All exits were blocked to stop the 'deadly gas' seeping through.
"Class calm down!" The chaos stopped. We stared at our teacher. "Everything is going to be fine! We are the only class in this building, they will realise it is a mistake and rest the alarm. Now, sit down!" We sat down at our desks and it began to feel like an average lesson.
I sat silent. Over hearing conversations. Something wasn't right. We were the only class in here so why press the alarm? We hadn't split anything. What was going on?
Chatter continued, voices booming to be over heard each oth-
A gunshot echoed. It fell silent. It was from within the building.
They were getting closer and closer to our classroom.
Suddenly a bullet shot through the door, piercing the mint painted Pine and hit our teacher. Straight through our skull.
Panic arrived. Screams turned into cries.
There was silence.
Footsteps approached the door.
The beaten door swung open, revealing a male silhouette.
"Everybody on the floor now!" He fired his gun. Nobody moved.
"I fucking said NOW!" He pointed his gun toward Joanne. Everybody got down on the floor. Covering the back of their heads with their palms.
I stayed in my seat. I knew that voice..
"Didn't you hear me?!" I faced our attacker. Masked. He walked past my quivering peers and dragged his heavy feet towards me.
I stared at him harder, His icy eyes glistened through his cotton mask. I remembered those eyes. Where? I'd seen them happy, knowing. I knew those eyes.
"Are you deaf?"
I raised my eyebrow "No but your starting to irrotate me. You could at least try and come up with a new gunman line."
He placed the barrel of his gun at my forehead.
"Get down on the floor or I'll blow your brains out."
"You can't make me do anything."
His gun cocked and his eyes changed. Fear. He was scared. Scared of what?
"You have one last chance. Get on the floor, now."
I raised my hands in defeat and lowered my body to the floor. He nodded in approval.
"Guys it's clear."
3 other men stepped into the classroom. Tall. Well built. If anyone even thought about escaping they were dead. Instantly.
They carried guns. Hand guns. We has no chance.
They had bearly stepped into the room and the tallest man fired his gun.
"All of you line up against the wall! Girls left, guys right. Now!"
Slowly we stood up, going to either sides of the wall. Whimpers escaped lips. We knew atleast one of us would die.
Two men stood in front of the guys, the other two, 'guarded' us.
"Here's the deal." The skinniest guy spoke. His voice dark and low. It caused my heart to beat fast in fear. My human nature, fight or flight. I was scared and I swear I prayed to God, for him to help us. I, Frank Iero, prayed to God. I was terrified.
The biggest guy spoke "We get to take one of you guys or girls and the rest of you live." Sighs of relief were released and the atmosphere suddenly changed. "BUT!" Everyone held their breath.
"If noone steps up, you all die." Everybody looked around. Scared. "You have 5 minuetes to decide." They walked away and faced the white board.
Speach began. "I can't go! My birthday is on friday! My mother would be devastated!" Joanne. "I wouldn't let you babe. I love you too much." She was your harlot Kai.
"Hey I know, what about the short goth kid?!" My face was stared upon by 50 eye balls.
"Yeah freak, why don't you go?" There were cheers of agreement.
Didn't they realise? Didn't they know I hurt enough? Why should I be punished because their so selfish? They've hurt me all my life, why should I be hurt for their lives? I was nothing to them, except a rag doll, punching bag. I was worthless. Nothing. I had nothing. I had noone. They did. Noone wanted me. Ever.
I merely nodded and looked at the floor.
"Good, that's settled. Hey guys we're done!"
"Good." The first shooter turned round and stepped towards us.
He stood in front of me. I felt intimidated. Inferior.
"Who is it?"
Their backstabbing, hurtful digits pointed to me.
My arm was grabbed harshly. Numb nails dug into my skin. It hurt.
I was dragged along.
Joanne waved at me, hold Kai, smirking at me. "Bye bye! Hope the blood doesn't stain your cheap black jumper! If you ever come back, try a different fashion statement! Freak!"
The shooter chucked "Oh this isn't a fashion statement." The shooter pointed at me with his gun.
His voice soft and loving as he whispered "It's a mother fucking death wish."