I went to Middle Earth and saw some Hobbits (Updated with video link(

Nov 27, 2012 15:23

Since I can't deal with crowds and thus can't go to the red carpet tomorrow, I decided to have a wander around town today. (All Photos - Click for big)

[Not pics of stars sadly. Just awesome Wellington]

There are Hobbit flags /everywhere/. For example - The Wellington Town Hall

The next stop was the hotel, where there were security guards stopping people from taking photos of the cast. Not that they had much work to do since I was the only one there and I was like 'No photos? No problem'. I saw the Hobbit cars get loads with the cast (Turns out they were heading for the airport).

Martin Freeman is such a dork, he couldn't decide what seat to sit in (Maybe he had Friday stuck in his head?). And one of the first cars I saw leave, I'm 99.9% sure it had Richard Armitage in it, can't mistake that face <3.

I spoke to a driver and he told me that I was the only person to have shown up tot the hotel. They expected a lot, but no one seems to have leaked the location :D

I then headed down to Courtenay Place to grab some photos of the Embassy. While I was grabbing these photos, I had SkyNews UK come up and interview me (f,jkasgdjahsdgsahjdgfsahjfdsahkfksa!)


I then made my way up to Cuba Mall, where I found out that the cast had all come in for badges at some stage. Sounds like most were making fun of Martin Freeman and then Martin had come in and got some badges in revenge. XD

2012, the hobbit, wellington

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