got my new ipod today.
60 gig 5th generation video ipod. in black.
i love it but i wish i could get all my Guns N' Roses &
Third Eye Blind videos to play on the damn thing...
a more detailed review with more pictures will follow in the next day or so.
ben h came over today and brought the video ipod equivalent of ivory to my ebony.
do yourself a favor and
go to his blog and download his video podcast.
it is a wonderful video of a wonderful live performance of his wonderful band.
speaking of his band, i had a glorious time at his bandmate Sarah's 23rd birthday dinner at flatbread last night.
she is swell, and her friends in attendance are swell.
i feel more and more swell myself each and every day i am around these wonderful folks.
(but only me & ben have new video ipods. boo ya!)