My goodness I'm tired! Usually I'm still wide awake at this time, but not tonight. Must have been the playing with Renee and helping her dance to Froggy Mix (that girl is full of energy that it's tiring just watching her).
Right now I'm taking care of some kids of some friends of mine. I've known the couple since I was three and both are like brother and sister to me, because they both lived at my house at two different times.
Although they don't have mIRC, AIM or ICQ, I survived the night by watching Magic Knights anime ("Hikaru-chan! Fuu-chan! Umi-chan!"). The eldest boy stated (when he saw me watching it) that it was just like Pokemon.
I almost screamed.
Just because it "looks" the same to the untrained eye, doesn't mean it is the same. These poor youngsters who think that anime only consists of Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Vision of Escaflowne, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors... and other butchered anime, they don't know better! They must be educated! Maybe I can make an anime fan out of Andrew, we'll see. I'll update you on my progress. :)
I'd like to wish a belated Happy Birthday to
agent57 because I missed it yesterday. Gomen! I'll draw ya somet'in nice or somet'in!
Reading Week has begun! (And for those of you who don't know what 'Reading Week' is, cause I got asked that so many times this week, it's bascially March Break for college and university students. It's technically not a break since you're given homework do it and you are suppose to be "reading" your textbooks while you are "breaking" - Snapping is more like it, das?) I'm so happy I get to sleep in this week and a chance to get caught up with my MSTing
MRT4K style of the fanfics nominated for the
URAs. I have been waiting a long time to have time. Unfortunately, I'm MSTing alone this year. Both Silver Tiger and CPFace are not MSTing any more; Silv is taking a break (I think) and CPFace has compeltely stopped altogether - I'm the only MRT4K mster left I believe...
I feel so alone MSTing now. Will MRT4K die for the second time? I surely hope not! It's too funny and too good of a cross-over to let go. I will not let it die, even if I have to host it myself at! I am not afraid!
Oh dear. It's getting obvious that my brain has shut down. Here I am in a room with only the computer screen to light it and I'm not even looking at my fingers as they type, so I'm thinking it's time to turn in... after a post on the
Clanaprise. Lt. Al, head of communications on the bridge with night shift must report in.
Sigh I hate night shift.
I'm Legolas/Gimli!
What LoTR Ship Are You?