You Do the Crime? You Do the Time!

Feb 21, 2002 11:54

"Young Offenders" get on my nerves. Really. They do it for kicks. They do it for laughs. They do it for thrills, but usually, they do it for the merchindise.

I have a sure way of cutting down young offenders crime rate. Honest! And I'd think it would work!

This Tuesday, I was talking to some friends in life drawing when someone mentioned shoplifting. Stupid people. I can't even skip class without feeling a little guilty let alone take something that doesn't belong to be and I haven't payed for...

Anyway, then someone mentioned that the punishment for the little cleptomainacs should be posing nude for life drawing. Forget community service. Forget detention hall. Truely, if that was the punishment, there would be more stuff left on shelves that would have been taken off and stashed away.

After one class, the little wanna-be theif would be embarassed straight... especially from those 1 hour poses for the drawing beginners. "Don't move!" "But I have to scratch my nose!" "You should have thought of that before you took that candy bar!" (insert evil laughter here)

Believe me! It'd work!

And I'm only using shoplifters as an example. This punishment can fit many different types of crime though none comes to mind since I'm a little goody-two-shoes that has never got on the wrong side of the law before.

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