I've been meaning to update this for a couple of weeks, but every time I'd open the window, I'd either forget about it or the drive to update it just died.
The job search is still going. I've found some potential places I can apply do, but doubt I'll hear back from them. Companies are wanting minimum of three years experience in the field for applicants. If it's maturity level, I have that and learn quickly. But they always want to have the experience. Hard to get it if no one hires you because you don't have it. [and the argument is spinning out of control and heading to the trailer park!]
Last week, went to Bean's first ballet recital. Small town ballet; nothing too hugely fantastic, but short enough to tolerate. Costumes were for the most part pretty good and for a four year old, Bean did a fairly good job.
The show had to be re-schedualed because the original date there was a large wind storm and the town and surrounding areas lost power. The power was supposed to come back at 8:30, but Drew's house didn't get it until five after midnight. So we chatted in the dark, star gazed for a bit [they were awesome], and roasted marshmallows over candles using potato pokers.
I don't know why, but I've been watching a lot of Muppet stuff on YouTube. Watching documentaries as well as show episodes that I haven't seen since early 90s [The Jim Henson Hour].
In other news, Bluemuse is getting married this coming Saturday. CC is staying here for accomidations and we're both going to the ceremony and the reception. Last thing I heard, Julia-Cat was coming as well with her husband. Hopefully the wedding has nice weather.