Short Version: Loved it. I was grinning through a very large portion of it.
Favourite part was the Operation Game Parody. I was just waiting for his nose to turn red. Went with my Brother-in-law, and we sat up front; not because he wanted to see it up close and personal, but because the theatre was full. It was one of the earliest movies I've gone to in a long time, so not used to that many people there. That and it was opening night.
I really love how Marvel intergrates real life events into their stories. Batman is great, but there's not much real world elements in it. Afganistan was a nice touch.
The graphics were amazing. And wow, didn't know the military used Dell computers. I fear for America's safety.
And absolutely loved Stan Lee's cameo in this one. Hard to miss him, but fantastic. I clapped. XD
For those who plan to go to it, stay after the credits.
I still don't like the idea that they made
Nick Fury black. The Nick I read about was the WWII hero, and old buddy of Wolverine. I said that Nick Fury wasn't black and a guy two seats down mentioned that he had been black for five years. So I asked him if Nick had done a reverse Micheal Jackson. He had no response to that. :P Instead of making Nick black, couldn't they have made another character to fill in for Nick? He is getting old now. Ugh.
But awesome movie. Awesome! ^^ Definate DVD 2-disk set.