Bye Bye OCC

Jul 19, 2007 19:53

As of last week, I got a letter from the OCC saying that they want to terminate my employment there. Not that I overly mind, seeing as I've been trying to get away from that place for a few years, find more enjoyable employment. And it's not like they're firing me out of malice or anything that I've done or haven't done (other than not go in for a while) What I don't understand is I was casual staff... meaning I didn't have to have a certain amount of hours a week to keep my status. The work wasn't relyable so I couldn't count on getting enough money over the summer to pay for tuition with a casual staff availability. Therefore I got a full time job elsewhere.

Now that I haven't been there for four months as casual staff, they let me go. I think I've been called maybe four times... wow... I'm ever so needed anyway. XD

The only thing that I will really miss from that place is my friend Ladi, and the two geek chefs in the kitchen. I have one on LJ, but the other two I don't see or hear from on a regular basis.


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