I had the most bizarre dream last night.
First off, it was completely in the third person which is odd for me because I usually have first person view.
The setting was fairly normal at first. I think I was at camp as a counselor working on an art project that was all red and involved Fimo/Sculpey type material(I blame this on watching many eps of While You Were Out while I was sick. Evan Farmer makes many things much better). All of a sudden, my cabin was taken hostage by some unknown entity and the storyline switched to the underground headquarters of the heroes that were going to rescue us. There were four of them and I know that
taokodr and
yrmencyn were among the four. I think the other two were
azuzazzyzx and his girlfriend Kelly.
Anyway, I see the heroes break into our cabin(I'm off protecting some campers) and head towards our captors who are still shadowy and undefined and here's where it gets weird: our heroes morph into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Taokodr was Donatello, Yrmencyn was Leo, I think Brian was Raphael and with Kelly as Michelangelo. Our heroes proceed to kick shadowy butt and save the day.
After the fight, the TMNT morph back into my friends and Taokodr comes over to me and says we need to talk about the part I must play in all of this and that's where the dream ends.
At least my subconscious is entertaining while being bizarre. Also, even though fighting off shadowy enemies, the fight scene kicked butt!