Jun 02, 2005 01:08
so i am now officially the most horrible person ever....but
yea...they are here...oddly enough i have missed them...kind of glad
they are here...almost forgot i was human...btw...Im tired of people
defining others for the bad htings they have done and totally
disregarding any and all good tht person may have...im not just
speakign for myself right now...remember tht times tht person was there
for you befor eyou get pissed off at something tht was meant to hurt
you...remember tht bad things you have doen befor eyou hold a few
terrible acts against someone...you arent as great of a person as you
pretend to be..none of us are...so no matter how bad one person is dont
look down on them...you never know when you will fuck up like her or
she has...and never forget the times youve messed up...we are all
human...we all make mistakes....and if you claim you are better than
anyone else or tht you deserve pity becaus eyou have been wronged sit
back and think..i am i even tht great of a person to be able to say hey
he or she is a bad person w/o taking note to the times tht this person
may have sat with you while you were said or even listened to you when
no one else would...before judging someone stop and think..wht would i
have doen in this person's situation...EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE MORE UNDERSTANDING! even if the person one needs to understan more is his or her self.