Jul 31, 2005 02:53
i will NEVER EVER cry another tear over you. you aren't worth it. i will find someone better. or wait, no. i dont want anyone. ever. relationships soul purpose is to manipulate people intothinking that trust between them and their partner is real, when in reality it isn't. trust is strctly between friends and family. only certain ones though. i am an idiot for even thinking twice about that girl. im a complete MORON, and i know that guys, i dont need anyone saying "i told you so" even though i know many of you are thinking that. but i dont need that right now, all i need is support and lots and lots of good times with friends who really care about me. i dont know if i want ot leave the house for a few days though... maybe i will, maybe not. who knows. all i know is i am working on completely erasing her from my thoughts, memories, everything. relationships are nothing but a pile of horse shit in 110 degree weather. they stink. they make people weak and dependant and clingy. when what i need ot be is the exact opposite; strong, independant, and ok to be by my self. pictures, gifts, notes, cards, everything must GO. the faster i forget about her the faster i can better myself and be happy again.
so enjoy your worthless lives tara and melissa, as you continue to sleep over each others houses and get high while lying to those who care(d) most about you. and thank you christa SO FUCKING MUCH for helping me and brooke see what was really going on, i cant thank you enough for calling me back.
tomorrow i think i am going over brooke's house to paint over her walls. and maybe we can use her firepit!!!! ^_^ and then joe invited me to swim in the river with him and people, so that sounds like a lot of fun. i need to think of the possitive aspects of my life even when shitty things are happening all aorund me.
i need to fall out of love. this is becoming easier with every day. remind me NEVER to fall in love again, kthnx!!!! :D :D :D
and a huge thank you to all my friends for your support. especially emma. <3 and joe and daniela and christina for hanging out with me and brooke today which, by the way, was loads of fun. it would have been even more fun i suppose, if tara didnt havr to fucking call my house every 5 minutes to interupt my bonding time with my friends.