I dont know why I update

Jun 20, 2004 15:15

anyway for those if any who actually look at this thing, Heres the progress on the T-bird. I now own three cars now My 89 SC (400.00)is one of them. I had the twin turbo headers made(450.00) I bought a mustang gt spoiler from ebay (55.00)Accel high voltage coil (30.00) 5.0 Turbocharged emblems (25.00) My true roller 5.0 (priceless) Total 1070.00 I'm getting dangerously close to my budget. Well this car is gonna be a reality but because of problems I dont know how long before my dream car is a reality. I have started taking the motor out of the SC but progress is slow because of the tight busy schedual. Also I estamate I will go over my budget significantly because of other wants and needs. For one buddy tore this car up to use it for parts so its missing a lot of little things (+/-)200.00). Another major expanse is the motor will need a rebuild(+/-)550.00)+ performance parts (+/-)200.00)Another Huge chunk of change is the turbos around (600.00). The intercooler will have to be made christ all mighty I'm kind nervous to even specualte the cost to weld one, probalby less than a (600.00). then theres the cosmetics of the car I've already priced all the paint supples pretty close to (500.00). the interior material will be around (200.00) Lowering springs and new electronic struts (600.00) And chrome wheels is a must (1000.00) so the estiamted grand total will be around (+/-)5410.00) Thats $2410 over the budget. With my bank account almost depleted I'm looking for a new deadline of next summer. Sob
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