Aug 26, 2008 06:10
Ack, stories. I really don't know what to do about them! I have so many little Narnia fanfictions buzzing around in my head... and what's ridiculous is that they're all so short, 5 minute snippets from the life of the characters I love. It's hard to write about five simple minutes without feeling that you aren't doing the characters you love so much justice.
And you know what the bigger problem is? I have so much lore in my head and I'm never satisfied with what I write! I have all these ideas that I genuinely think are good, things I want to find a way to put on paper and share with other people, but I can't seem to look at a page I've written and go "Well, that didn't turn out half bad." There's always so much editing... a comma here, a comma there, a comma removed, a semi-colon used, a couple of short, staccato sentences to replace the entire paragraph I wrote... and then there's the two or three copies of every story I have saved on my external hard drive because I'm not terribly contended with either of them but I really enjoy the direction they took.
Oh, and while I'm ranting, I have something else to say: Damn you, perfectly worded sentences that I feel I need to save for years on end so I can use them at the right moment! I have pages of you, you silly little things, and I can't seem to ever do you justice! Bah and humbug! You make me unhappy.
I think, to make things simpler, I am going to work on documents combining character traits and lore I have created for certain characters. Anything pertaining to them. A passing thought I imagined from a visitor of Narnia as he witnessed the Kings and Queens. The way he noted Edmund's disgruntled air and Lucy's radiant smile and Peter's exasperated look and Susan's amazing ability to ignore the tension between her siblings and converse with all of her kingdom at once. Things like that. I'll write them all down. Poor me, though, because the document for Edmund is going to pages and pages long. It probably won't be simple at all.