Oct 29, 2008 18:20
Yes, the whole movie/book tracking thing didn't pan out. Here is a real update.
Big news is that Amber is pregnant again. She is due in 7.5 weeks. The reason I know this exactly is that she has just been diagnosed with preeclampsia again. The situation this time is better than it was with Avienda though. Avi was born 11 weeks early, so we're already 3.5 weeks further along. Amber has been put on bed rest and her OB is hoping that she can make it another 3 weeks which would put the baby only 4 weeks early. My mom came out yesterday and picked up Amber and Avi since bed rest with a 3 and a half year old is pretty much impossible.
We're just taking this in stride. We've been through it all before so nothing is really that scary. Avi has had no problems and she was only 2 lbs at birth. Amber is disappointed though because this pretty much rules out doing a VBAC. She will probably have to do another c-section. With Avi, she was so against doing a c-section because most of the time they are not medically necessary. But she happened to be one of the few cases where it is. Same thing this time.
I am going to have a son though. We are very excited.
We're still living in Pierre, South Dakota (well I am, and Amber will be again once the baby is born).
I'm still working for the State and Mesaba Airlines part time.
Amber is currently on medical leave from TSA
That's pretty much it.