Update: Comprising the Ides of July to the Kalends of August

Aug 04, 2011 13:53

Got my first rejection last week. Last Tuesday, actually, so more than a week ago--I'm past the sad stage. Actually, the sad stage was unexpected; I thought I was going to be totally heiki about it, no matter what happened, and it turned out that rejection--even when it's expected and you've told yourself that it's fine and a good sign and you'll be happy to get it--still stings a little. Who knew?!

Anyway, a week and I've bounced back and am excited again. I'm going to print it out and frame it, in fact. It's my first rejection! From the first place I've ever sent a story to (a paying market, no less), for the first story I've ever sent out into the world! It's kind of thrilling, really.

I sent it to The Pedestal Magazine. They have some really fun short fiction, along with poetry, and a new issue every two months. If you like that sort of thing (and I do), they're worth a look.

So now I'm moving down the list, though I'm a little stuck since near the top of it are two UK magazines that I can't get my hands on copies of--and I really don't like the thought of submitting to someplace without having read some of the fiction they publish first, so I know I don't have the wrong end of the stick. I have to see if there's someone I know on the internets who would be willing to let me paypal them for a couple copies and the shipping and send them to me.

Work on the novel has been stalled, but I think I'm getting myself out of the mire, with help from whisperflight, of course. In the meanwhile, I've finished a short story in a completely different vein, written an essay as part of a "Paganism 101" post on The Slacktiverse (the post in question is here), and planned and written a sermon for (and then delivered same) the July 31st service at Neshoba.

And found time for a D&D game, as well as time to read The Vor Game, Cetaganda, Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, False Colors, A History of Sexual Customs, The Poisoner's Handbook, The Life of Pauline Cushman: The celebrated Union spy and scout. Comprising her early history; her entry into the secret service of the Army of the Cumberland, ... prepared from her notes and memoranda (written in 1865, when they went in for titles like that), and an assortment of essays, news articles, blog posts (Curse you, Not Exactly Rocket Science!), wikipedia articles (mainly on the Civil War), and other random stuff. And watch How to Train Your Dragon and Mansfield Park, and go with the paterfamilia (I know I'm using that incorrectly, so I apologize to all you wincing Latin-speakers) to Eleemosynary for the dad's birthday.

So it's not like I've exactly been slacking.

updateyness, birthdays, movies, writing, books

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