That writing thing

Jul 03, 2011 22:25

My project from last year stalled out, for a number of reasons. Among them being that I don't have a good idea of the lay of the land where I've set the story, and can't really change where it's set. So until we can take a trip to Cardiff, that particular work in progress is... not progressing.

Of course, I've done the only sensible thing, and moved on to another project for the time being. I started on Friday, and then hit the weekend and have had to regroup and adjust my expectations a bit. As it turns out, I simply don't have 5000 words a day in me. At least not yet.

Not a failure, right? It's just another way that doesn't work. I'm moving to a goal I hope will be more attainable, and setting myself to write 2000 words every day, instead of 500 on weekdays and 5000 (what was I thinking?!) on weekend days. Here's where it stands as of Sunday night:

That's not counting the 500 words written on the outline today, either. I tend to be kind of a slow writer (it's not the typing--I'm good at that. It's the stringing the words together to tell the story bit), so for me, this is truckin'.


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