Title: Bad Company Summary: Christopher Pike just wanted to figure Jim Kirk out. So he asked him out for a drink. By the end of the night he was no closer to understanding. Rating: R-ish? Pairing: Jim Kirk/Christopher Pike
I think what I love most about this is all the analysis, and the overthinking, and oh, they're so cute when they're being faintly manipulative asses, they really, really are.
On one hand, this is pretty hot. On another, I find myself chuckling because these two are so alike and so bad at hiding themselves completely. You did a fantastic job of capturing that. :)
Of course Jim's still reading him like a book. Nothing written in the past hundred years or so, but a paperback classic with a stained cover and crumbling pages. He would feel insecure and old and pathetic but only feels old. He's seen Jim when he thinks no one's watching, curled up somewhere warm and quiet with a book older than the two of them combined. Jim handles the pages like they'll fall apart at his touch. It's then that Christopher sees what's underneath all the bullshit and sexuality. It's vulnerable and sweet and no wonder Jim covers it up. *** I love this image dearly.
Bravo for this, at how Pike knows and doesn't completely care how selfish he's being.
Comments 11
You should post this at pike_2009.
Alas, I am too young for that community, but thank you for suggesting it :D
Thanks you for commenting :D
Icon love!
I love this image dearly.
Bravo for this, at how Pike knows and doesn't completely care how selfish he's being.
Slightly OT, I just want to say I love your fics, but haven't commented because shy writer is shy :)
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