its raining outside :]
I hear thunder :]
I got a record at Good Will.......
notice the one shoe action I have going on. I took this picture around 5 and its now 7 now and I'm still wearing one shoe.
you know its gonna be good just by the word, "ragtime"
I know its a little off from.......everything I usually listen to but there was something about it that made me want it. it was only 55 cents too so it was kinda worth it.
I wanna listen to it but my mom's record player is in the living room and so is my grandmother who lives in front of the tv. the recored player is right next to the tv, therefore.......I can't listen to it unless,
1. I move the record player (that ain't happening)
2. nobody is in the living room and I can enjoy it in peace.
I'll find a way.......I have to.
I also got a shirt and I think the other owner was related to me. the name on the tag is Leah McCormack and my mom's maiden name is McCormack. wierd huh? its kinda cool.
ok, I have to ditch this chicken coop before I loose power and mess this thing up.
p.s.-I <3 my Lyndsey poo and I can't wait to see her tomorrow.
and I also <3 my Jessimaca and I hope to see her tomorrow