Mar 26, 2007 19:58
By Jan Wopperer
Christine has so many good qualities and has "matured into a bright young woman" as they say. We had a discussion about each other today, which was very exciting. Christine and I are best friends and have never had a single fight. I think that this is because she is such an understanding person. She's always been nice to me, always listened and always been a good friend. I've known her for four whole years and she's changed so little and has constantly remained wonderful to me and everyone around her.
When she was still a young girl at Mercy, her family was in major conflict because of her mother. You would never know it. Christine triumphed over evil (which was and is her mother) and went on living her life happily with the rest of her family. A new person came into her life years later; a boy named Erwin, who is her boyfriend to this day. He is a member of her family now and he is part of her. The reason why I mention his when talking about Christine is because they are so together. During our conversation, Christine said, "Erwin is my landmark."
She's never been the best writer, but she's fantastic at math and physics and I'm jealous. I think most of her acquaintances are, because she is so effortlessly intelligent. She is always efficient and always gets things done; she'll finish her homework in half the time normal people would. She's amazing when it comes to academics. Yes, she is a procrastinator, but if that's how she does things then that's the way it'll be. It works, as you can see by her extremely high average.
I had to think hard about how she's changed. When I first met Christine, she was very shy and wouldn't say anything mean about anyone. NOW, it's a different story! She's incredibly mean and isn't shy at ALL! No, not really, but she is less shy, and she is a bit less nice to people - but that's how things go when you mature, so I guess in the end, those changing qualities show that she has matured. Christine will always be a wonderful person, just because she laughs and just because she's Christine Vaiana.
She likes: Me. Nice people. Very nice list Christine, I tell her. She doesn't like mean people because they scare her. See how simple she is? That's what I love about her. Christine makes things simple when everything's so complex. She has an amazing ability to block annoying noises out and concentrate on the task at hand. It's the kind of talent that people develop when they live with two brothers. We are both middle children and we can both identify with a lot of middle child problems. Christine has always been the daughter who has gotten the least, ask for the least and been the least expensive to care for. She is an unselfish eighteen year-old, and that is a rare quality.
When she gets aggravated, her heart gets hot. What an interesting girl she turned out to be! That's why I love her. She's different everyday, but she's still the same Christine. I wonder how she does it. Sometimes I wish I were her; that's how much I admire her life. We've done so many things together through the years and we've spent so much time together, even time in France. We say the same things at the same time, and have all these little inside jokes. "Spread the love", "yes sir", and "roadblock!" are a few examples. Christine always says the wisest things and has the best advice. My senior quote is something she wrote in the journal we share. We're currently writing in our third composition notebook. We started these journals in sophomore year when we discovered that we has no classes together and we are still so glad we did. Christine and I are even going to college together. She wants to be a teacher. Can I find someone more amazing than she is? Most likely not!
Christine has a bright future because she is a genius and a hard worker when it comes down to it. Her high grades and good attitude have paid off and she was successful in finding a good college that suits her academically. She has a large scholarship to Canisius College and has high hopes for next year. A lot of things can be better than Mercy and Christine expects to explore all of her options. She has grown and changed into a woman ready to start a new phase in her life and I have confidence she can do anything she wants to. Christine Vaiana will succeed.