SoOo thEse Are ThE piKs u HaVe beeN waiTiNG fOr CRAZY ASS LAST NIGHT.. mAnSiOn... ProBly thE siCkESt housE pARty eVr.. bEloW aRe pikS of Foam, FoaM, LAdies, And Foamm.. lol it was great.. I lOve u ALL .. GreAt niGht..
AfTer this intEnSe NigGHt paRttyyy WoOoHHH wE weREnt aLL thEre in The BrAin DepaRtmeNt likE aNdrEs seeN in The Pik SpiTtiN foaM oR HuStoN ShoWn in The AbBove Pik wiTh a bEEr BuT thiS is The MoRaL of ThE sTory KidDiEs!!!
DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!! hUsToNs cAR on A FenCE on A roCk!!!.. MayB huStoN thoUghT it Was OffF roAdinNg mAyBe noT!!! hahah MayB eVen A raMp oH weLL eVerYthiNg weNt gooD anD noBODy iS hUrT.. ExePt mAyb hiS inSurEnce and HiS CaRRRR!!! hahah.. PS i rIskEd mY liFe to TakE soMetHing oUt oF uR cArr, Go iN fRonT oF thE cOpS DUI, AnD tAkE thiS giRl to FukiN aSSrAPe!! u OwE mE!!! lol
i lovee u andd ur the best, i love the way u stay with me on fri when u could b out, i lovee the way u pik me up and take me to the beach, pour my gasss, brush my teeth, go to diner with me n my mom on her bday, squad up at blockbuster, and buy me grits.. u are everything a guy could WaNt thAts y Ur mY giRL!!!