Apr 15, 2005 16:33

oK i woulD like 2 staRt this off with SoLiEL hiDe!!

DoNT come 2 St.B ... only 5 weekS lEfT

in sChooL aNd i HaVe 4 SaT. SchooLs(twO fRoM

sAyinG iLL KnOck u ThE fUk OuT 2 SuM cHiK pLaYiNg

aroUnd) all fRom todAy anD mOndAy im SuSpEnDeD

BcUz i hAd mY fONE??? HoW FuKinG gAy iS thaT??

iTs fUKING B/S!!!!!!!!! w.e CrAzy WeeK sOooO

mUchH shiT iN oNe WeEk.. ChiLLeD witH soLieL

aLL oF WeNs. PaULa WatCheD SpangliSh With Me

YesTurDay AfTer SAt which Was On

TuEs aS wELL anD GyM w/rAy. ChiLLeD wiTh

NiCoLe 2 TiMeS oDdLy EnoF lol.. let me

just say liFe has been going gReat and it should

for everybody i haVe learned not to

let things bother me as much as before aNd

I feel like a new peRson.. fu*k opinions,

fu*k teachers, Work hard, get good

shit.. thats the wAy it goEs.. Work hard

2 Prove everyone wrong,

work is hard BuT necessary in

lifEeE soo w.e.. have FuN 2 lol i forgot that..

todAy i KaNt Go OuT sO pLeZz DoNt AsK it WiLL

mAkE mE cRi
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