eine memenhausen

Oct 07, 2006 04:12

Ten years ago, five years ago, today.

How old were you
10 yrs ago? 14.
5 yrs ago? 19.
today? 24.

Where did you go to school
10 yrs ago? Noble and Greenough School.
5 yrs ago? Oberlin College.
today? school is for losers.

Where did you work
10 yrs ago? didn't.
5 yrs? didn't.
today? don't make me laugh. (but I had a job before, I swear!)

Where did you live
10 yrs? Wellesley, MA.
5yrs? Oberlin College.
today? Astoria, Queens.

Where did you hang out
10 yrs? various basements containing various video game systems and the occasional porn stash.
5 yrs? the Wilder band room with the band, my girlfriend's room with my girlfriend, Decafe with my lonely self.
today? mostly Union Square and St. Marks downtown, as well as the Beer Garden and Rapture around where I live.

How was your hair style
10 yrs? this weirdly layered 70's nightmare, as I was in the awkward first stages of growing it long.
5 yrs? a short buzz that had grown out somewhat, with sideburns that didn't suit the shape of my head.
today? male standard issue.

Did you wear glasses
10 yrs? really bad ones.
5 yrs? only slightly less bad ones.
today? contacts.

Who were your friends
10 yrs ago? (I'll limit each response to my "inner circle.") Mike Kanarek, Mike Sanders, Alex Tate, Erin Chun.
5 yrs ago? Eric Levin, Meghan Grammer, Colin Smith, David Frost, Sam Weisberg, David Meadow, Erin McLaughlin, Chesa Lichauco.
today? still many of the above. In NYC: Sam Weisberg, Cousin Oliver (always a friend but previously too far away to hang out with), Adam Platt, Erin Chun, Kate Hibbard.

How many tattoos did you have
10? none.
5? none.
today? none, but I know the one I want to get.

How many piercings did you have
10? none.
5? left earlobe.
today? left earlobe, if it hasn't closed up.

What Car Did You Drive
10? F-Zero, motherfucker!
5? a blue volvo whose engine would quit every time I came to a complete stop, necessitating frantic re-ignition at every green light.
today? public transit.

What was your worst fear
10? dying a virgin.
5? I don't remember; fall of 2001 was a good time in my life (i.e., dying a virgin was no longer a concern.) Maybe selfish, given the historical circumstances, but true.
today? choosing the wrong career path, not getting into grad school, being unable to negotiate the complexities of the rat race, ending up a general failure, ending up a bitter misanthrope, being unable to experience real connections with people, being unable to love.

Had you smoked a cigarette yet
10? no.
5? no. Wuss.
today? yes. Sheep.

Had you been arrested
10? no.
5? yes, which makes me cooler than everyone I know. (Even if it was just for being a teenage male dressed in black, walking through a neighborhood at night where a crime had just taken place.)
today? I have not been arrested today.

Had your heart broken
10? yes! Unrequited love (or whatever) is crushing at 14.
5? yes, the same exact thing, thus planting the seeds of the wife-beating scum I will eventually blossom into.
today? no; these days I am utterly celibate, devoting my energies to extensive Wikipedia research and other lofty pursuits.

10? single, bitter.
5? taken.
today? single, bitter.
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