Yeah... I took that "Which
Princess Are You?" quiz thing that everyone's been doing... I got
Arwen, but then my computer crashed and I'm too lazy to go retake it.
Jennifer's party was awesome.
- Chris playing "The Imperial March" on his trumpet while we marched outside to present Jennifer with the dessert
- Drip, Drip, Drop, in which Caitlin and I were partners, because neither of us could pick up the bucket by ourselves
- water fight with teams
- being the "guard" and just standing around eating blackberries
- shaving cream fight
- walking around in swimsuits with shaving cream all over us
- meeting Puck as she was coming and inducting her into the shaving cream clan
- the cute UPS guy stopping and talking to us on the street
- playing the "Guess Which Character You Are" game in a little group with Puck, Katie, Elysabeth, and Chris
- Glowsticks!
- stealing Puck's pie
- the scary Legolas cardboard stand-up
"You couldn't find room in your bag for your toothbrush?!" ~Emma to Caitlin, who had to carry her toothbrush
Me: I don't need very much food... just so I don't, y'know, pass out or anything.
Jennifer: Ohmy.
Jennifer: This is for garbage and this is for burnable stuff. No! Don't put the banana peel in the burnable can!
Me: ...but aren't banana peels burnable?
"Wally! You cut your hair!" ~Caitlin to Anne
"You know... you guys act like drunks." ~Jennifer
"Okay, we're going to be watching this scene and there will be no side-talking, and no ass-twitching!" ~Emma during The Lion King
"Well, the senile monkey has lots of teeth." ~me, after a conversation about how it looked like little Simba only had four teeth
Yeah. Whoot. I still have summer homework.