Grah? Blah? AAHHHHHH!!!

May 21, 2005 14:51


Mmkay...  the movie was awesome.  Definitely the best of the prequels, but still not better than the originals.  Nothing could beat Luke, Leia, and Han.

It was very, very sad.  Not very many happy moments in this one.  The best funny part was when Yoda slammed the Emperor's guards against the wall.  :)  Yoda = awesome.  I love R2, also.  He's one of my favoritest characters.  He's just so cute and energetic and helpful!  *huggles him*  I want an astrodroid.

Hayden's acting has improved since Attack of the Clones, but not too much.  At least he had more emotion, and he actually smiled in this movie.  A lot of the dialogue was still pretty weak, too, and some things didn't make much sense (to me, at least), but I liked how the first space fight seemed more like the ones in the OT... not sure why, but it just did.

I cried a bunch of times, but the worst was the killing of the Jedi and when Obi-Wan said, "You were my brother.  I loved you." and left.  :'(

Gah, and Padme... she deserved so much better than Anakin.  Poor girl.

Luke and Leia were the CUTEST babies!  *huggles them*

Yep, that's all for the moment.

star wars, fangirling

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