Nov 20, 2005 12:04
I had some crazy dreams last night.
One involved Dan and Emma telling me they were in love. Emma said
something really cute about it, but now I don't remember what it
was. :(
Another dream involved Chase asking Puck to some dance and getting
really upset when she said no. Then she told me that she really
liked him a lot and I was all "WHAT ABOUT CHRIS?!"
Then there was another Harry Potter
related dream where Viktor Krum came to SMA for some reason and started
going out with Puck and there was one part where we were in the
auditorium and they started kissing and I was just all "-_- I'm going
to go sit by Margo now." I guess my subconcious thinks you should
get a boyfriend, Pee.
The last dream involved Voldemort trying to kill me and me hiding in a
holy bathroom so he couldn't, but then finally deciding to join him and
run away if he promised not to kill any more people.
This is what happens when I get to sleep in late.