Attention SoCal Arashi fans!
Come join us and your fellow fans for a screening of the Popcorn concert! In addition to the screening, we'll have food, games, goods for sale, more games, and the amazing time that comes with enjoying Arashi with other fans.
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2013
Time: 10:30AM-6PM (we may extend it to the local park from 6PM-8PM)
Location: East Anaheim Community Center, Anaheim, CA
Cost: $15 (pay at door)
*Cost will cover room rental, main dishes, party favors and other supplies.
Please register
here! Registration ends 11:59PM SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH. We will not have any registration at the door.
We have a max attendance of 30 people, so please fill the form out as soon as you can! If you have any questions, leave a comment
Hope to see you there!
-alphie_damiek, xteencrazii, and Mofuchan