i'll be honest. i think the reason i don't blog very much is because i don't get the instant gratification of an IM or facebook status. i don't want to twiddle my fingers, hoping to get a comment or two when i know i'll get a reaction from my audience if i use a different medium.
with that said....
http://community.livejournal.com/arashicrackaday/47094.html Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them.
Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom. (Nino being forever young, Jun's penis, why Sho will fail at 100% all the time...)
Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time. (Why not?)
Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history. (Do mention if Sho!fail is included.)
Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.)
Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway?
Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area.
Fucking CALIFORNIA ROAD TRIP. We'd go all around California (I'd be driving, of course), just the six of us. We'd start off in San Francisco and work our way down, or maybe even further up north? The point is we'd visit different restaurants and have a gourmet tour, just like AAA except in California. I'd have to order for all of us and it'd be hilarious cuz I'd probably be the most paranoid about being found out by fans. Like NO WE CAN'T GO TO JAPAN TOWN IN SF EVERYONE WILL RECOGNIZE YOU.
We'd go to In-N-Out, where we'd force Aiba to try a 5x5. We'd have Sho eat the banana peppers with his burger and laugh at him when he chokes. We'd go to BBQ restaurants and get our hands sticky. We'd eat fruit (cuz gawd DAMN fruit is expensive in Japan) and I'd show them how cheap it is. We'd pass by my home town (but I wouldn't say it is) and have some REAL Mexican food. Then we'd all be stuck in the restrooms half an hour later cuz our bodies can't handle the grease. We'd have Filipino food and head towards San Diego, where Ohno could marvel at all the fish. I'd maneuver us through horrible LA traffic while "Crazy Moon" would be playing in the background. Jun would try to pay for something on his own, get slightly frustrated with the American cash system and have to bust out with his credit card. He'd probably also sit passenger. We probably wouldn't take turns driving because I JUST DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM. This is, of course, if it were just the 6 of us, probably unheard of since we'd probably need at least one of their managers to make sure we're ok the whole time. It would take a week and Aiba would probably throw up once from eating all that food and I would force Sho to use his English every chance we got (while I just snigger with Nino in the background) and hope Ohno doesn't get lost along the way.
Nino would probably just sit there the whole time. XD