My day today: Morning was okay, I wasn't feeling good. Connie and I
watched What a Gurl Wants and Aladdin((with Jack)). Then I did some of
my homework so I could go shopping when Jack woke up.
Afternoon Nick
,me,Mom,John, and Jack went
to Southpoint. I got Nick to buy stuff from American Eagle. I'm very
proud of myself. I got a new skirt, Rainbows, and a German dictionary.
I got a Belgium Chocolate Milkshake from Hagan Das. That rocked!
Tonight Nick came home with us and stayed for dinner, and we watched
Monsters Inc. with Jack. I met his mom...finally, but apparently I've
met her at the Y before. opps.
Okay well I'm gonna go to bed. Laytuhhh ((copyright Christy Nance))!!!
<3 Melissa <3