December 6 - weather

Dec 06, 2013 19:11

annemari asked me to ramble about the weather. Hm. Well, today is rained all day and I didn't have to go to work, which is a weather-circumstances combination that I love. Even though I ended up leaving the house three times. :D

I like lots of kinds of weather, really, but my favorites are the ones I grew up with - mild, nonhumid sunny summer days, cool overcast sweater weather in October, snow that falls very quietly around the clock... also spring days when the snow melts and there's gross black dirt along the sides of the roads. I basically don't like it when it's humid and also when it's cold and there's no snow, which I guess means that a lot of the US isn't great for me, weather-wise.

My favorite is probably the quietly falling snow. That's only happened a couple of times in the seven years that I've lived in Maryland and I really miss it.

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