I reaaaaaaaaaally need to be working, but work is hard and I am really worried about tomorrow.
So tomorrow we're supposed to get between 3 and 12 inches of snow, probably between 3 and 8 where I live, and most of it is supposed to stick. Also people here drive like panicked hamsters when there's a threat of snow.
Also I have a work meeting in Delaware tomorrow at 3. Hooray.
My options are:
pros: drive directly from home to the restaurant, takes two hours, can leave whenever
cons: fucked if there's really bad traffic or an accident; possibly dangerous to drive if snow is really heavy
pros: probably somewhat more reliable and safer than roads
cons: there could be major delays or it could be cancelled. Also trek to Union Station in the snow (walk+metro). Cab from the DE train station to the meeting, cab back, more uncertainty about timing/cancellations on the way back
I mean, my hope is that they are liberally covering the I-95 with salt and that it's not as bad as predicted, but I honestly really don't know what to do or how much time to budget for this. :(
Read this entry on Dreamwidth. (